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The coaching practice

What coaching means?

The coaching that Morena Coaching International and its partners practice is an interactive process that grows-up continuously worldwide. It aims at achieving the goals related to the personal and professional development of a person or a group of persons, done in a fast and effective way. The coach focuses on what is more important for the clients, by making impact questions and providing “straight forward” points of view without twists, tools to know each other better and stimulating challenges. The coach helps the client to explore different possibilities and to examine the best strategies, by bringing forth the actions to respond to situations in a fast and effective way.  The coach will make available its experience, knowledge, skills and network to help achieve what he wants to undertake showing him what is needed to succeed. The group or team coaching are based on the same principles, in general all around a common challenge.
This is not psychotherapy. Coaching practices are confidential and fully in line with the Code of Ethics of the International Coach Federation (ICF), to which were belong. Most of us are certified by this organization.

Shared responsibility

Us, coaches:

  • Assist our client to clarify its challenges and formulate its objectives
  • Ask questions of impact bringing the Client to the essentials and awareness
  • Focus on what his client really wants to achieve and keep in action
  • Provide a quality of listening and understanding of higher quality
  • Help the client to develop its own strategies and solutions
  • Stimulate its capacity and its full potential
  • Provide positive and constructive feedback
  • Manage the coaching program and its tools (tests, self-evaluations)
  • Propose requests to be made between sessions
  • Keep the client in his responsibilities and commitment to the program
  • Create an atmosphere of calm and confidence
  • Respect confidentiality and ethics
  • Celebrate his successes!

Our clients:

  • Provide an accurate picture of the situation
  • Speak as honestly as possible about his own perceptions, feelings and difficulties
  • Demonstrate openness and authenticity
  • Trust his coach and the coaching process
  • Make decisions throughout the coaching process
  • Walk the talk and achieve agreed actions
  • Provide a personalized preparation before each session
  • Be willing to leave his comfort zone and accept to take alternative paths
  • Celebrate successes!